News for the week of 1/20/25:
December 2024 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 12/16/24:
November 2024 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 11/25/24:
October 2024 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 11/18/24:
Removed phone number from Trustee's contact page as it is no longer in service.
News for the week of 10/21/24:
September 2024 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 9/16/24:
August 2024 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 8/19/24:
July 2024 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 7/22/24:
June 2024 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 7/15/24:
May 2024 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 5/20/24:
March & April 2024 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 3/4/24:
If you have a LARGE (sofa, love seat, mattress, box springs, etc) bulky items for Waste Management pickup on the LAST THURSDAY of the month, a heads-up can be given to the Waste Management route manager, via a message you can post on this website. ALSO, mattresses MUST be wrapped in (the plastic wrap the new mattress came in, cling film, Saran Wrap) or they WILL NOT be picked up.
Please post a message on the page linked below
Bulk items notice has been posted here
News for the week of 2/5/24:
January 2024 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 1/1/24:
December 2023 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 12/18/23:
November 2023 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
Changed Code Red Community Notifications to Everbridge Notifications
News for the week of 10/30/23:
October 2023 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 10/2/23:
September 2023 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 9/4/23:
August 2023 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 8/7/23:
July 2023 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 7/3/23:
June 2023 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 6/12/23:
May 2023 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 5/15/23:
April 2023 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 4/24/23:
March 2023 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 3/20/23:
Updated assessments, HOA Fees due dates for 2023 here. Monetary amounts will not change from 2022 to 2023.
News for the week of 2/27/23:
January & February 2023 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 1/9/23:
December 2022 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
WM Large Items - Bulk item price list here.
New contact e-mail for Trustees: [email protected]
Contact Page
News for the week of 12/12/22:
November 2022 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 11/14/22:
Removing: Cindy Iberra as trustee.
News for the week of 11/1/22:
October 2022 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 10/3/22:
September 2022 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 9/5/22:
August 2022 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 8/1/22:
July 2022 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 7/4/22:
Adding: Adam Kirkpatrick as trustee.
June 2022 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 6/13/22:
CTVS Residents,
I, Joe Stough am no longer a trustee but I am working with the new trustees to enable a smooth transition.
After speaking with Jefferson County Roadworks it appears they’re only going to be doing crack sealing this year.
I was informed that concrete has increased from $ 57 a sq. yard to $ 102 a square yard. At that price I’m not sure how much work can be done with the money we have on hand, however I’m looking to get a bid so we can have an idea of what we can get done on our own. High priority will be on Wellesley and Cape Town Village Rd. and to a lesser extent ( but not much ) Belmont and Medford.
After I receive a bid, the results will be posed here..
Thank You,
News for the week of 6/6/22:
May 2022 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 5/23/22:
Removing: Gary Margalski as trustee.
News for the week of 5/2/22:
Adding: Cindy Ibarra and Gary Margalski as trustees.
April 2022 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 4/18/22:
Trash service, Waste Management is encouraging residents who do not already have and use a 96 gallon trash cart to please request and use one. Your weekly service will include (1) 96-gallon poly trash cart for no charge. Call (800) 964-8988 Click this link for full document.
News for the week of 4/11/22:
Document from Jefferson County stating which streets will receive concrete replacements.
2022 Subdivision PCC Concrete Panel Replacement by Contractor. PW21 SUBPCCREP. Project Construction Summary - Click This Link.
News for the week of 4/4/22:
March 2022 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
Subject: Attention all homeowners!
Annual HOA meeting set for Saturday April 9th at 2 p.m. at Fellowship Baptist Church located at 2735 High Ridge Blvd. Please bring your photo I.D. Orange notices have been mailed out.
Thank You
News for the week of 3/1/22:
January 2022 and February Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 2/14/22:
Updated list of how the HOA assessment fees are used.
CAPETOWN VILLAGE SOUTH SUBDIVISION What your assessments provide 2022
News for the week of 2/1/22:
Late yesterday the St Louis Area sites (Metro, Arnold, DeSoto) announced that they will be shut down again today.
All Wednesday and Thursday routes will be recovered on Friday 2/4.
News for the week of 1/24/22:
Attention all homeowners!
Annual HOA meeting tentatively set for Saturday March 19th at 6 p.m. at Fellowship Baptist Church located at 2735 High Ridge Blvd. Notices to be mailed out shortly.
Thank You
News for the week of 1/3/22:
December 2021 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 11/29/21:
November 2021 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 11/8/21:
Please consider volunteering ( IT’S YOUR HOMES AND INVESTMENT ) as our future depends on those willing to run the HOA. The job doesn’t require a lot of time and I will help newly elected trustees learn the ropes as it were.
Find the Trustees contact info here:
News for the week of 11/1/21:
October 2021 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 10/25/21:
August / September 2021 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
A note from Joe:
During my walks, I noticed the asphalt overlay on Gloucester is already showing cracks. Shouldn’t be long before it ends up in the storm sewer. And for that very reason, the Cape Town Village South HOA should only accept concrete replacement from Jefferson County ( other than patching holes ) or pay to have the concrete work done by private contractors.
Still no response ( 3rd contact ) from Jefferson County Storm water Division on the replacement of the rusted out Storm water pipe between the common ground between Somerville and Hillsboro-Valley Park Rd.
This weekend (10/29/21) the Storm water run-off from the common ground area of the old footbridge to Somerville is being cleared on both sides of the run-off, trees will be cut down in the runoff itself. It may be necessary to do some excavation work to keep the run-off from affecting properties along Cambridge and Somerville. Please refrain from throwing trash and other items, railroad ties, tires and other debris in the run-off.
News for the week of 9/27/21:
From your Trustees,
After speaking with a lawyer associated with the HOA, anyone having issues with any individual/s in the neighborhood needs to
document, document, document any incidents.
1) Call the police/mental health and make a report.
2) Document any and all confrontations with the individual/s or any situation where the individual/s displays dangerous actions.
3) any interaction’s with caretaker/parent if possible get a contact
PLEASE NOTE: talking loud, cursing, watching people etc., may make you uncomfortable and concerned but are not dangerous actions.
News for the week of 9/6/21:
Due to Labor Day, waste pickup occurring on or after the holiday for your residence could be provided one day late.
Here are some steps you can take to prepare for your service:
Thank you for being a valued Waste Management customer. We appreciate the opportunity to be your environmental service and solutions partner. Have a safe and happy holiday!
News for the week of 8/30/21:
Subject: Homeowners behind on assessments
If you are a homeowner in Cape Town Village South subdivision who are behind on assessments the Homeowners Association is imploring you to not ignore letters from City and Village Tax Office, Sandberg Phoenix & von Gontard or Dana McKitrick law firms. Just ignoring the communications results in very large and burdensome legal fees which are charged to the homeowners. It’s very troublesome when notifying and asking homeowners to pay assessments and it falls on deaf ears, especially when we ( the HOA ) is willing to work with you to clear the debt. Sadly, to continue down this path will eventually cost you the ownership of your home. Please listen to the voice of reason and do what is right. We’re waiting to help you.
Contact City & Village Tax Office @ 314-739-4800
News for the week of 8/16/21:
Subject: Request for Trustees
Cape Town Village South is approaching a crossroads in determining the future of the subdivision. Either we’ll move forward with continuing improvements or regress from the progress made in the last 5-6 years.
There has been quite a large turnover in the ownership of homes recently. There’s a good side and a bad side to the changes of ownership. The good side is an influx of younger owners who (I believe along with many of us who have been here for years) truly care about their investment in homeownership. The bad side is that homes are also being purchased as rental properties which in turn cause a continual turnover of people coming and going which means instability in the subdivision.
Moving forward, the HOA indentures are in need of a complete rewrite to fix this problem and any other issues homeowners may be interested in correcting. It would be a large undertaking as it would require approximately 220 “yes” votes out of some 350 homeowners and we know from a previous experience would require door-to-door collection of votes. This would require homeowners who would be willing to help the trustees reach the necessary votes for passage.
Having spoken to 2 separate law firms it would cost approximately $5000 to $9000 to totally rewrite the indentures. So, as a community we need to decide what our homes and the future of this subdivision are worth. Jefferson County Road Works currently maintains the streets, storm sewer inlets, signs, etc. This is a 5 year agreement and we are well into year 3. At year 5 the county will assess the program and decide if they will continue the program or end it.
I personally, as almost all of you would agree don’t particularly care for the yearly “special assessment” which is part of the HOA indentures. If Jefferson County stops maintaining the streets there’s a real problem. The way the indentures are currently written the HOA can only collect $150.00 a year per household outside of a special assessment. That results in approximately $53,000.00 a year if everyone were to pay their assessments, which should be noted does not happen. City and Village Tax Office then takes 10% of that amount leaving about $48,000.00 a year to maintain everything, and since not everyone pays all or even part of their assessments it means the subdivision would once again fall into financial hardship from lack of funds.
You can see where the assessments are spent by viewing:
I, (Joe S.) plan on resigning at the next HOA meeting if not sooner. Kerry S. has agreed to stay on as a trustee. We’re in need of 2 more individuals to volunteer as trustees. Please consider volunteering as our future depends on those willing to run the HOA. The job doesn’t require a lot of time and I will help newly elected trustees learn the ropes as it were. Find the Trustees contact info here:
Thank you to all of you who live in Cape Town Village South for reading this open letter and consider the request for trustee as well as a rewrite of the indentures.
News for the week of 8/2/21:
July 2021 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
If there are any homeowners in Cape Town Village South who are behind on assessments the HOA entreats you to contact City and Village Tax Office (314-739-4800) to make arrangements to catch up. Please do not just ignore correspondences form City and Village or SPVG/McKittrick law offices because at some point, the point of no return will be reached at which time the HOA can't help any longer. We have a business to run (the HOA) and responsibility to maintain the subdivision properties and protect the homeowners investments. We can and will work with you to clear up any debts to satisfy all parties.
News for the week of 7/5/21:
June 2021 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 6/28/21:
6/30/21 Attention Homeowners
Message from your trustees about the upcoming Concrete replacements.
Concrete panel replacement will begin July 5th and completion is expected by the week of July 26-30th.
Michael Christopher
Jefferson County Roadworks
Signs and notices where the Concrete is being replaced are being posted.
Roads receiving maintenance are Waltham, Plymouth, Weymouth and possibly Forest Ln.
6/29/21 Attention Homeowners
Message relayed from your trustees, recent Waste Management inconsistent service.
(To affected homeowners) Our sincere apologies for the inconsistent service Cape Town Village South has received lately. We have been significantly under-staffed these last few months due to a severe shortage in available commercial drivers in the local transportation industry. We are actively hiring and recruiting new drivers every day to get back on track, and are also working on a number of logistical changes to help stabilize service.
With this being said, we are currently unable to guarantee service on a specific day due to the uncontrollable nature of staffing today. We can guarantee service by the end of the following business day should we be unable to complete service on the planned day. We encourage residents to leave their trash out and accessible for us.
Also, residents are encouraged to sign up for automated service alerts notifying of potential service disruption. They can do so by calling customer service at 1-800-964-8988 and providing their address or by emailing customer service at [email protected].
Thank you for your continued patience and please know we are working as hard as possible to recruit and hire new drivers and return to the state of predictable service you folks have come to know and expect.
Paul Bickford
Manager - Municipal Relations
News for the week of 6/21/21:
6/25/21 Attention Homeowners
Message from your trustees about the upcoming Concrete replacements.
Weather allowing, Concrete replacements will begin within 7 to 14 days. The company contracted to do the work will place signs and notices to warn everyone traveling through the subdivision where the Concrete is being replaced. Roads receiving maintenance are Waltham, Plymouth, Weymouth and possibly Forest Ln.
News for the week of 6/14/21:
May 2021 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
6/14/21 Attention Homeowners
Message from your trustees, street crack filling and road maintenance.
Street Work for Cape Town Village South. Per Mike Christopher of Jefferson Co. Public Works:
*PLM (Parking Lot Maintenance) has been scheduled to perform crack sealing on the streets beginning on 6/21.
* Waltham, Plymouth and Weymouth will have concrete replacement done later this year.
* Medford and Wellesley will be attended to in 2022.
*The agreement with Jefferson County was for 3 years and then reviewed to determine the feasibility for the county to continue with the agreement. If not feasible, CTVS should be in a position to contract the work ourselves.
News for the week of 5/24/21:
(Updated 5/25/21)
The Trustees are waiting to hear from Jefferson County Public Works to see if they'll help with costs since the pipe runs under Somerville between storm and water inlets. We are thrilled to report we received a bid much lower than expected. We believe we can get this work done and not send the HOA into Debt.
5/24/21 Attention Homeowners
Message from your trustees, Storm Water Runoff Piping.
Cape Town Village South is waiting on a bid from a highly recommended contractor, Kelpe Contracting. There is approximately 200 ft. of rusted and deteriorating galvanized pipe. A sleeve would have been the least expensive option but the diameter of the existing pipe is 42” requiring the new sleeve to be 36” diameter which may not be able to handle heavy rains. Due to the Covid situation, plastic piping costs have soared. Also, to handle the additional run-off from Somerville Dr., the 42” pipe transitions to 60” pipe. Until an inspection has been completed we are unsure of how many feet will be of the 60" pipe. We are also looking at replacing the old 60" galvanized pipe with 60" concrete pipe as there may be a cost savings. When this work commences, the 5500 block of Somerville Dr. would be closed 1 day between the 2 storm water inlets. Also of note, the Cape Town Village South HOA currently does not have the necessary funds to cover the cost of replacing the entire Storm Water Runoff Piping system in question. The Trustees are examining 2 options, borrow the money or wait and continue to save for this project, at the earliest we will post an update this coming week.
News for the week of 5/17/21:
5/14/21 Attention Homeowners
Further information and scheduling will be provided for the work below.
Please check back periodically for updates.
Jefferson County 2021 road maintenance plan.
Woburn Dr.
Weymouth Dr.
Water Tower Rd.
Wellesley Dr.
Somerville Dr.
Medford Dr.
Waltham Ct.
Ridge Dr.
Forest Ln.
Plymouth Dr.
Waltham Ct.
Ridge Dr.
Water Tower Rd.
Plymouth Dr.
Medford Dr.
Forest Ln.
News for the week of 5/3/21:
April 2021 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 4/5/21:
March 2021 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 3/1/21:
February 2021 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 2/1/21:
January 2021 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 1/4/21:
December 2020 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 11/30/20:
November 2020 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 11/16/20:
October 2020 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 11/2/20:
Contract is signed to have curbs re-striped as well as placing a double yellow stripe and white stripes both sides of asphalt on Cape Town Village Road from the daycare to the end of county maintenance. Work will take place Wednesday ( Nov. 4th ) through Friday (Nov. 6th ).
Waste Management carts:
Carts are $1.50 per month and billing is made directly to the resident. Residents should reach out directly to Waste Management customer service in order to sign up. Simply provide your address and let the agent know you reside in Cape Town Village South HOA.
Waste Management Page
News for the week of 10/12/20:
September 2020 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 9/7/20:
August 2020 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
Additional, 9/9/20 A few notes from the Trustees:
* There will be no County concrete replacement this year due to ongoing event caused by Covid-19.
* The road work completed so far for 2020 is the concrete sealing work.
* The Trustees will mark places where patching is urgently needed and open a ticket with Jefferson County Street Works to get patching done.
* The Trustees have given responsibility of snow removal for the 2020/2021 season to Jefferson County.
* If the County is too slow in getting to us for plowing we will formulate a "Plan B" possibly contracting the work out in extreme cases when needed. Basically trial and error this Winter.
News for the week of 8/24/20:
Your Trustees are looking for homeowner input.
Question: Should Cape Town Village South turn over snowplowing / salting to Jefferson County for the 2020 Winter season?
Per a discussion with Karen of Jefferson County Public Works they have 3 new plow trucks which will be dedicated to subdivisions.
Depending on the weather, we could possibly save between $3-5k which could be used for other urgent matters. A large expense would be the replacement of the 4 foot diameter (4') galvanized drainage pipe of which the bottom is rusted out. This pipe runs under the common ground and Somerville which then empties into the ditch running adjacent to Hillsboro Valley Park Rd. We estimate it is going to cost between $80-$100k to replace the pipe. As you can see, we currently do not have the funds for this project (8/20/20). The Subdivision needs to be as frugal as possible with the HOA expenditures. Let us know your thoughts ASAP by contacting us by phone or by agreeing or disagreeing via the survey below.
Joe Stough
News for the week of 8/3/20:
June / July 2020 Income & Disbursement Statements posted here.
1- Drivers please use caution driving Cape Town Village Road, Saturday August 8th. Weather permitting, Cape Town Village Road between MMDC X Daycare and County Maintenance work will be happening this Saturday 8/7/20 to clear brush from edge of the road.
2- As Trustees of Cape Town Village South we are entrusted perform certain duties as well keeping the subdivision financially on sound footing. We are all well aware of the current state of the economy along with the stress and hardships that have been caused by the pandemic. With that said, if anyone is behind on assessments, please contact City Village Tax Office at 314-739-4800 to see what kind of arrangements can be made to prevent further legal action.
News for the week of 6/19/20:
As many of you already know due to the COVID-19 pandemic we were not able to hold our Annual Meeting that was scheduled for 2020. As soon as the High Ridge Library re-opens and we can schedule it, we will have our annual meeting. At this time we can’t say when that will be since it is out of our control. However, at that time we will go over our financial records and show with FACTS not unsubstantiated claims that we homeowners are NOT sitting on vast sums of monies and why we as trustees and good stewards of all of your hard earned dollars ( assessments ) are being saved as much as possible toward future necessary projects which are critical for the survival this subdivision. Thank you all again for your continued patience and understanding during these trying times, it is greatly appreciated.
News for the week of 6/1/20:
May 2020 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
Helpful webpage
Using Household Products properly
News for the week of 5/11/20:
Urgent update 5/14/20:
March & April 2020 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
5/11/20 Waste Management - Your Waste Management Service
Dear Valued Customer,
Effective the week of May 11, we will resume the collection of bulky waste, such as furniture, carpet, mattresses, appliances. We ask residents with more than one, please schedule those additional items to be picked up over time. This is strictly to ensure our collection teams can complete all core services each week.
Thank you for being a Waste Management customer. We appreciate your patience during this time. If you have any questions, please contact us by chat at; by email at [email protected]; or by phone at (800) 964-8988.
For the most up-to-date service information, please visit
Also, please note the footbridge between Braintree & Somerville is closed and will be removed.
News for the week of 3/30/20:
Short-Term Waste Management COVID-19 Guidelines 4/1/20
Due to the impact of the unprecedented coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, we are temporarily suspending pickup for bulk collection (e.g., furniture, carpet, mattresses, appliances), stickered bulk items, and extra call-in service for bulky items outside the cart. This extra service has been deemed non-essential at this time. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
We will continue to monitor the situation and update you when these suspended services resume. To ensure you always have the latest information, please visit and sign up for notifications. We appreciate your understanding and thank you for trusting Waste Management as your environmental solutions partner.
News for the week of 3/23/20:
3/24/20 Waste Management - Coronavirus / COVID-19 and Resulting Declarations of Emergency
News for the week of 3/16/20:
Urgent Alert
Waste Management Bulk
Effective immediately the following change is being implemented until further notice:
Bulky item collection - including scheduled events or extra call in service for bulky items, such as large items outside the cart, is suspended until further notice.
News for the week of 3/9/20:
C̶a̶p̶e̶ ̶T̶o̶w̶n̶ ̶S̶o̶u̶t̶h̶ ̶H̶o̶m̶e̶o̶w̶n̶e̶r̶s̶.̶ ̶A̶f̶t̶e̶r̶ ̶r̶e̶c̶e̶i̶v̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶l̶e̶g̶a̶l̶ ̶a̶d̶v̶i̶s̶e̶,̶ ̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶a̶n̶n̶u̶a̶l̶ ̶m̶e̶e̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶W̶I̶L̶L̶ ̶T̶A̶K̶E̶ ̶P̶L̶A̶C̶E̶ ̶a̶s̶ ̶s̶c̶h̶e̶d̶u̶l̶e̶d̶ ̶o̶n̶ ̶S̶a̶t̶u̶r̶d̶a̶y̶ ̶M̶a̶r̶c̶h̶ ̶2̶1̶s̶t̶ ̶2̶0̶2̶0̶,̶ ̶1̶:̶0̶0̶ ̶p̶m̶ ̶a̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶H̶i̶g̶h̶ ̶R̶i̶d̶g̶e̶ ̶L̶i̶b̶r̶a̶r̶y̶.̶ ̶I̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶r̶e̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶e̶n̶o̶u̶g̶h̶ ̶h̶o̶m̶e̶o̶w̶n̶e̶r̶s̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶m̶ ̶a̶ ̶q̶u̶o̶r̶u̶m̶,̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶m̶e̶e̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶w̶i̶l̶l̶ ̶b̶e̶ ̶r̶e̶s̶c̶h̶e̶d̶u̶l̶e̶d̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶S̶a̶t̶u̶r̶d̶a̶y̶ ̶A̶p̶r̶i̶l̶ ̶1̶8̶,̶ ̶2̶0̶2̶0̶,̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶w̶r̶i̶t̶t̶e̶n̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶i̶c̶e̶ ̶f̶o̶l̶l̶o̶w̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶f̶i̶r̶s̶t̶ ̶m̶e̶e̶t̶i̶n̶g̶.̶̶
News for the week of 3/2/20:
February 2020 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
A complaint/work order has been sent to Jefferson County Public Works to patch the potholes at:
2608-2612 Capetown Village Rd
2532 Weymouth Dr
2536 Braintree
This work may be completed this week or next.
To All Residents,
It is with deepest sympathy the Trustees announce the passing of former trustee, James O’Connor on Tuesday March 2nd 2020.
Jim put his heart and soul into Cape Town Village South, for which we are eternally grateful. He will be deeply missed.
Joe Stough, Trustee
Cape Town Village South Subdivision
Update 3/6/20
The visitation will be at Chapel Hill on Friday March 13th, from 4-8 PM. The service will be on Saturday March 14th at 2 PM. (3/14/20)
News for the week of 2/3/20:
January 2020 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
To All Residents,
I (Joe Stough) have appointed and wish to welcome Kerry Shultz as interim Trustee to the Trustee Board.
I am naming Kerry Shultz to join myself and Kim Rego to the board of Trustees until our meeting in March at which time the appointments will be voted on.
Joe Stough, Trustee
Cape Town Village South Subdivision
News for the week of 1/13/20:
December 2019 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
To All Residents,
I (Joe Stough) have appointed and wish to welcome Ms. Kim Rego as interim Trustee to the Trustee Board.
Joe Stough, Trustee
Cape Town Village South Subdivision
News for the week of 1/1/20:
Effective immediately, I hereby resign my position as duly elected trustee of Cape Town Village South Subdivision. This action is being taken, due to very serious health issues that I have developed.
There were many other issues that I had hoped to address while trustee, but due to my deteriorating medical condition, I will not be able to complete those goals.
Thank you,
Jim O'Connor, trustee
Cape Town Village South Subdivision
News for the week of 12/2/19:
November 2019 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
Road replacement for 2019 has been completed. New concrete replacement will resume sometime in 2020.
Important Notice:
At this time (December 2019) Cape Town Village South has reached approximately one third of the subdivision either not paying Assessments on time or is taking advantage of Legal Service's not collecting Assessments until the home owner is at least $1000.00 delinquent.
Starting January 1st. 2020, after the home owner has reached a $500.00 delinquency and has not contacted City and Village Tax Service to reach a payment plan that will satisfy the balance due and to remain currently paid on time, then at that time the subdivision attorney's will file in court for a judgement against the delinquent homeowner.
In extreme instances of Delinquency action may be taken to pursue the sale of the property to pay the subdivision what is due.
Per the indentures, the homeowner is liable for all legal services costs and court costs.
With only two thirds of the subdivision membership paying their Assessments, the subdivision will eventually fall behind in adequate funds and will not be able to pay the bills due and keep up with needed repairs at the same time.
All members of the subdivision need to stay current on their assessments. The subdivision owners who pay their assessments should not suffer for those who don't.
News for the week of 11/4/19:
October 2019 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
Road replacement for 2019 has been completed. New concrete replacement will resume sometime in 2020.
News for the week of 10/14/19:
Road work will be moving to Cambridge and Somerville roads soon. If the section is marked with a bright pink dot, it will be replaced. A notice will be hung on the doors of those affected in advance.
News for the week of 10/7/19:
September 2019 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
The process of concrete removal and replacement on Belmont near Cape Town Village Rd. has begun.
During initial phase of roadwork:
* Traffic on Belmont will be one-way between Plymouth on the North, running to Cape Town Village Road on the South.
* Cape Town Village Rd. at Belmont may be closed to through traffic at times to allow for construction equipment. Allow time for alternate routes.
News for the week of 9/23/19:
E. Meier Operations manager just informed us that there has been a delay on an existing project and will not be moving into Capetown Village South until next week 9/30/19. They will move in and start with parking signs , door hangers and information on dates etc... to pass on to the homeowners with as much information as possible. There are no concerns of not having the same completion time.
Thanks for your patience.
News for the week of 9/16/19:
Road work will start the week of 9/23 at Capetown Village Road and Belmont. If you come down Capetown Village Road, and turn right, that is the start point. They will do the right hand lane first and continue up Belmont, onto Winthrop, and then Braintree, and lastly back around onto Belmont to the starting point. Then if all goes as planned they will begin on the opposite side of the street and repeat the process.
When an area is excavated it will be rocked in over night, in front of driveways. Excavations will normally only be open one day then concrete poured the next. The dwell time for cure is three days. After that it will be driveable.
During the 3 days of concrete curing drivers will have to find alternate parking. Also During this process it may take several more days after the curing process has completed if machinery or materials are still preventing parking in front of your home from the next section adjacent being poured or curing. Not all drivers will have to wait more than 3 days but there may be a percentage who do.
Other Important Things to remember:
Please talk to your neighbors soon about parking at their property, in their driveway or on the street in front of their house.
Please be mindful and patient with your neighbors. no need to add more stress than may have already accumulated.
If you have a blocked mailbox your mail will have to be picked up at the Fenton Post Office. 10 Fenton Plaza, Fenton, MO.
They will put up no parking signs and other traffic directions.
They will photo driveways prior to excavation.
Work is expected to take 6+ weeks total.
News for the week of 9/9/19:
August 2019 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
City & Village Tax Office page has been updated to the correct website link
Road Work News
Upcoming Road Work to begin soon.
Streets will be marked the week of 9/16/19, weather permitting.
Actual roadwork to begin 9/23/19, weather permitting.
During the week of 9/16/19 the Jefferson County Road Department will come out and mark the slabs to be replaced. The Road Department will then begin replacing sections of concrete the next week on 9/23/19 on Belmont, Winthrop, Braintree, Cambridge, Somerville Drive, and Somerville Spur. Work expected to be completed on these roads before the colder fall weather comes.
Homeowners please make arrangements if possible with your neighbors across the street to park there if concrete is being replaced in front of your, or their driveways. The Director says long sections of concrete will be replaced, and if homeowners don't make arrangements to park across the street it is likely they may have to park a long distance away.
While these long sections of concrete are being replaced, it will be impossible to park in those areas. Our streets are narrow, and with one side torn out for a long distance homeowners can not park on the street across from that work. It would make the street impassable if they did.
The Road Department will only barricade the new concrete for about three days. The Director says that by then it should reach 2500 PSI and the barricades will be removed.
If replacement occurs on mailbox side of street, mail will have to be picked up at the Fenton Post Office ( be sure to bring ID ).
Removing barriers or damaging concrete will be subject to prosecution by Jefferson County.
News for the week of 8/5/19:
July 2019 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 7/8/19:
June 2019 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 6/3/19:
May 2019 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
Subdivision Updates
Completed work or near completion:
* $10,000.00 section of street that became unstable on Winthrop Dr. has been replaced.
* Section of sewer line on Plymouth Dr. has been replaced. Digging up the driveway and front yard of the house until good "old" piping was found to connect "new" piping too was required. New driveway will be poured in the near future, possibly along with a new sewer top and lid.
Work yet to be started:
* Replacement of hundreds of feet of four foot pipe between the woods section on Somerville Dr. going all the way to the creek on Hillsboro Valley Park Rd. The old galvanized Piping has rusted out and is causing sink holes.
* Wooden Foot Bridge is in need of new footings, wood replacement, and paint.
* The creek going to the pipe needs to be clear cut.
For anyone interested in what is going on in Cape Town Village South these are just some of the improvements now and in the very near future,
Thank You.
News for the week of 5/20/19:
BIG ANNOUNCEMENT FROM YOUR TRUSTEES - Cape Town South Street maintenance program announcement
News for the week of 5/6/19:
April 2019 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 4/15/19:
The street in front of 5425 Winthrop is to be replaced with new concrete starting April 22, 2019. This is over a 100 ft. section on a curve. With one side of the street closed we recommend using alternate routes for over a week. This street has become unstable and the work needs to be done.
March 2019 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
Added Helpful Information Page
News for the week of 3/25/19:
Improved Assessments (HOA Fees) page, now under Documents tab.
Moved Code RED page directly under Resources tab.
Reports 2019 Trustee - New Business - Treasurer Reports given at the 2019 Annual Subdivision meeting.
Report 2018 Annual Collection Report given at the 2019 Annual Subdivision meeting.
Official 2018 Meeting Minutes voted on and approved at the 2019 Annual Subdivision meeting.
News for the week of 3/4/19:
February 2019 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 2/18/19:
Attention Residents the subdivision meeting has been set and will be at the meeting room in the High Ridge Library on March 16th at 2 pm.
The Jefferson County Counsel has accepted taking over the street repairs of Cape Town Village South. The Public Works Director has informed the Trustees that repairs will commence on or about May 1st. They will be walking the streets before then and will make up a list of the sections of the streets that will be repaired this year. They are also going to try to work up a five year plan of repairs. Any other updates will be posted here for you Homeowners so make sure to check back weekly.
Also, the trustees are planning to do some repairs as the weather permits such as filling pot holes.
Also note, please come back to this subdivision website for future news. The trustees will continue to post more pertinent information here as compared to the Next Door Site. Thank you!
News for the week of 2/4/19:
Mark your Calendars.
The yearly subdivision meeting will be the 3rd Saturday of March per our indentures. 3/16/19.
The time and place is of yet to be determined and will be posted when it is.
The news on the county accepting our street repairs and what they vote to repair will be available at the meeting.
Please attend if you can.
January 2019 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 1/7/19:
December 2018 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 12/10/18:
Road Ice Warning on Cape Town Village Road. See Notice from the Trustees HERE
News for the week of 12/3/18:
November Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 11/19/18:
City & Village Tax Office now offers the option of making on-line Assessment Payments through their website! Cape Town Village South residents please visit website works best via Microsoft Edge, Safari, Firefox, Google Chrome. Internet Explorer is not recommended.
At the City & Village homepage in the top right corner click the "Make Payment" button. Next click the "Continue" button this will take you to the Central Bank Elect Pay page where you can then proceed to enter your payment details. Please be aware a convenience fee in the amount of $10.00 for using this feature will be charged.
News for the week of 11/5/18:
October Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 10/22/18:
This Information slipped through the proverbial cracks but our Trash Service Waste Management raised the recycling fee from $6.00 to $6.50 on 5/1/2018. updated page here.
News for the week of 10/15/18:
September Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 9/10/18:
August Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
Attention Homeowners
Jim O'Connor went to Hillsboro last week (9/5/18) and turned in the votes to be counted and verified by the county. He was told there are now four subdivisions accepted to date. The application has to be read to the county and voted on three times to be accepted. Our subdivision will be read at the end of September for the first time along with six other subdivisions that have been read before. By the time ours will come up for the third and final reading to be voted on for acceptance it will be at the end of October. We have no idea of how many other subdivisions will be in the process by that time. If they vote to accept us we will not expect any repairs from them this year because we are having our streets treated come the snow or ice. We hope this will happen. We as your Trustees worked hard to get this process completed even if it was slowed down by lack of interest by some homeowners. The homeowners who attended our special meeting to vote or those who voted after the meeting we thank you!
News for the week of 8/20/18:
Special Meeting Notes read at Fellowship First Baptist Church pertaining to the approval of Jefferson County maintenance of subdivision streets. Please click here.
News for the week of 8/6/18:
July Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here. County Road Maintenance Meeting here.
News for the week of 7/9/18:
June Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 6/4/18:
May Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 5/21/18:
Waste Management - Memorial Day Week Schedule (5/28/18 through 5/31/18)
Many of our locations will be closed for Memorial Day. Your scheduled waste collection will be provided 1 day late.
Please ensure your containers are available for service.
Here are some steps you can take to prepare for your service:
News for the week of 5/7/18:
April Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
Help Keep Your Community Safe. Can you imagine a garbage-filled bonfire on your front lawn?
Click above for full story.
News for the week of 4/9/18:
March Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
Important announcement!
Next week (starting 4/17/18) Capetown Village Road is to be paved.
The road will be graded on the 17th and OPEN for travel.
The road will be paved on the 18th and 19th and will be CLOSED for travel.
Alternative Routes: Please use Winthrop Dr. to Hillsboro Valley Park Rd.
OR through Capetown Village North Medford / Gloucester / Jacqueline / Caroline to HWY 30.
The curb will be placed on the 20th and the road will be OPEN for travel.
The Fire Dept. and School Dist. are notified and a note has been placed the Next door site.
Progress continues.
News for the week of 3/19/18:
Meeting minutes from the 2017 meeting has been posted at 2017 Minutes page.
News for the week of 3/5/18:
February Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
Mar 11, 2018 - Daylight Saving Time Starts
News for the week of 2/12/18:
Reminder to all residents, our indentures for CTVS call for the Annual Subdivision meeting to take place on the 3rd Saturday in March.
This Information can be found on page 16 of the original Indentures Document
News for the week of 2/5/18:
Website for the Northwest school district which has contact information, etc. Permanent link added to the services page.
A flyer specifically concerning Kindergarten, important content about registration, etc. Meeting on March 3, 2018
Notice to Homeowners, we will be mailing a notice for the subdivision meeting in a few weeks. Per some homeowners request who cannot attend the usual early meeting time, the meeting will be held at 5:30 PM March 17th, Fellowship First Baptist Church in High Ridge. Hope to see you there!
January 2018 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 1/1/18:
We have been notified that Bonacker Farms of House Springs on Hwy W accepts yard waste from homeowners as well as private parties. Charge is $1.00 per standard paper yard waste bag. Updated "Recycling Centers" Page
December Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 12/4/17:
November Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 11/6/17:
October Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 10/9/17:
September Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 10/2/17:
Website Correction
Old information:
"Yard waste is available at $12.00 per month."
New information:
Yard waste collection is not available under the current CTVS agreement with Waste Management Services.
Weekly Recycling will still be available.
Updated Waste Management Page
News for the week of 9/25/17:
Plats in PDF form have been added here.
News for the week of 9/7/17:
August Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
Boling Concrete will begin street section replacements in September. The work would have started sooner but Boling has been busy finishing street replacements at other locations. Because of this delay, CTVS accepted an even lower bid than last year!
Also of good news the Byrnes Mill recycling center will remain open but will not accept grass clippings, leaves or branches (no yard waste). They still accept plastic, glass, and paper.
News for the week of 8/7/17:
July Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 7/24/17:
UPDATE: 9/7/17 the Byrnes Mill recycling center will remain open but will not accept grass clippings, leaves or branches (no yard waste)
Effective 8/13/2017 the City of Byrnes Mill recycling center is closing. This has been a resource to the area but their grant funding is expiring and the City of Byrnes Mill will not fund the operation of the recycling center without another grant. As of now, no new grants are available.
Earthbound Recycling
25 Truitt Drive
Eureka, MO 63025
Kirkwood Recycling Depository
350 S. Taylor
Kirkwood, MO 63122
Please call each location to verify services offered. You can drop some items off for free but for others there is a charge.
Example: Earthbound charges a fee to recycle old cathode ray tube type televisions. However, flat screen LCD and plasma type televisions are no charge.
News for the week of 7/5/17:
June Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 6/19/17:
Cape Town Village South - What your assessments provide document
News for the week of 6/5/17:
May Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
We also added a new link to the Jefferson County Property Viewer.
Jefferson County MO Property Viewer:
Put your address into top left hand corner, it takes you to the property. Property lines are imposed over a satellite view.
News for the week of 5/22/17:
Some residents have been asking for information on barking dogs.
Ordinance - Barking Dogs, Pg 7:
Section 205.125: Peace Disturbance Howling or Barking Dogs
News for the week of 5/8/17:
April Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 4/10/17:
March Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
Some homeowners are still unpaid as of this week for their March Assessment. Concrete street replacements and upgrades that are already under contract will proceed (weather permitting), but until we have the majority of the March Assessments the upcoming replacements will be put on hold.
Frequently Asked Questions: (EDIT: BROKEN LINK 2/5/19. Scroll down page or click FAQ on top of page)
News for the week of 4/3/17:
Additions to the Website, These were reports given at the 2017 meeting:
2017 Trustee's report
2017 New business report (some of the items the trustees plan to work on this year)
2017 Treasurer's report
2016 Meeting minutes (voted on and approved at the 2017 meeting)
If you are an owner that couldn't attend this year's meeting please download & print or view these new documents in your web browser.
Added 4/6/17 Waste Management Contract 5 Year Term
News for the week of 3/27/17:
Thank you to everyone for your attendance at the 2017 Cape Town Village South Subdivision Meeting.
On the services page (renamed from Phone # & Websites) we have added links for:
* Byrnes Mill Recycling Center
* CODE RED, Emergency Communication Network
* Dig Rite - (now a direct link)
News for the week of 3/6/17:
February Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 2/13/17:
Cape Town Village South Subdivision Meeting
will be held at Fellowship First Baptist Church
on March 25th at 4PM
2735 High Ridge Blv
News for the week of 2/6/17:
January Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 1/9/17:
December Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
Residential Bulk Item Restrictions. Items must be placed at curbside by 6 AM on collection day.
Click Here for printable document
News for the week of 12/19/16:
As a reminder: If anyone Plans to dig or excavate in the subdivision at anytime, please call DIG RITE.
Missouri One Call (DIG RITE) – (800) 344-7483
1-800-DIG-RITE, or dial 811 (Click Homeowner Information)
Thank You,
Capetown Village South Trustees
News for the week of 12/5/16:
November Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here
It has been reported some homeowners are blowing their fallen tree leaves into the streets and if enough end up in the storm sewers it will clog them. If you see a neighbor blowing leaves into the street please remind them to dispose of yard waste in bags or burn them. All homeowners in CTVS are partly financially responsible for repairing / un-clogging sewers which is costly, funds that could have instead gone to further repairing our streets.
Thank You,
Capetown Village South Trustees
News for the week of 11/21/16:
Pending Legal Actions have been made public and a page under the Resources Tab has been added with a link to
Click Here
News for the week of 10/31/16:
October Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here
News for the week of 10/17/16:
September Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here
News for the week of 9/5/16:
August Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here
News for the week of 8/29/16:
Boling should be back to do the rest of this years concrete street replacement in a week or two in September. Be prepared for the work to start.
News for the week of 8/8/16:
Thanks everyone again for your patience during this process.
July's Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here
Boling Concrete will be back around the end of August due to the continuing rain, weather permitting.
Thanks everyone again for your patience during this process.
News for the week of 7/4/16:
The concrete work may start again next week weather permitting. This next round will be approximately twice as much as the first sections replaced and by the time it is finished almost all of the $79,000.00 in the account will have been used to replace damaged street sections. We had promised to try to replace approximately $60,000.00 worth this year and are far exceeding it. We have enough in the account to pay all upcoming bills and do a few more improvements before the next Assessment is due. Thanks everyone again for your patience during this process.News for the week of 6/20/16:
News for the week of 6/13/16:
After Tuesday, Boling Concrete will take a one week break for these first replaced sections to harden. When they come back they will be replacing about twice as much as they already have. In less than a month the worst sections of concrete should be replaced and ready to drive on. This will be the largest amount of street replacement to take place since the subdivision was founded in 1976 and next year we hope to replace even more. Thank you everyone for your patience during this process, once completed our subdivision's improved, smoother streets will be enjoyed by everyone from kids riding bikes to dog walkers and even the mailman.
News for the week of 6/6/16:
We have added a Parking Guidelines web page. Please take a moment to look at it here Parking Guidelines
News for the week of 5/23/16:
Boling Concrete expects to be able to start replacement of the streets about the middle of June. They are going to replace around 800 feet on one side of the streets with the money available for this year, at this time. The sections will be what the Trustees think are the one's in the worst shape on the major routes in the subdivision. We will address the next of the worst sections next year and hopefully we will be able to fix some on all of the streets. This will continue as long as the current trustee's hold their positions. The replacements will be a 6 1/2 bag mixture that will be 8 inches thick, with joints at every 15 ft. and sealed. There will be #4 wire in it the same as they use on the highway. It will have 4 inches of MoDot type 4 rock as a sub base, the same as St. Louis County requires.
The trustee's wish to thank all the home owners for their patience. Boling Concrete was the lowest bidder and after reviewing past and present work that they have completed we feel that we have found the best contractor for our subdivision.
News for the week of 5/9/16:
Check the Documents section for Amendment to the Indenture of Trust 5-2-16 or click here
The Amendment to the Indenture of Trust has passed and has been recorded. We thank all of you again that signed the petition to get it passed.
News for the week of 5/2/16:
Income & Disbursement Statement for April 2016 posted in the documents section.
After obtaining bids for street concrete replacement the winner will be Boling Concrete Construction. They will start replacing sections as soon as they can. More sections will be replaced all summer long as long as we have the money to do so. We will replace the street sections on the worst sections of the most traveled streets first continuing until all defective sections have been replaced, which will take years. This will be done as promised, please be patient. In the mean time potholes etc. will continue to be repaired as needed along with the required subdivision maintenance to bring it back to Jefferson County requirements. The sheriff's department has now promised to start giving out tickets for running stop signs and speeding. They will also cite for unlicensed off road vehicles and motorcycles. Please call the sub station to file any complaints, (636) 797-5000
News for the week of 4/25/16:
The changes to the indenture's have passed and we will proceed with legally collecting past monies owed to the subdivision.
News for the week of 3/21/16:
2015 Meeting Minutes posted here they have been passed. As for the 2016 Subdivision meeting 49 lots were signed in. Now that we have had time to verify the signatures we have 34.8% of the necessary votes and will need an additional 118 yes votes to pass the amendments. Thank you to everyone that stopped by just to vote but had to leave. We are accepting ALL volunteers who wish to help even if they just want to get their next door neighbors signatures only. Any help is a big help and is greatly appreciated. Call (314) 995-1911 If you would like to be a volunteer.
News for the week of 3/7/16:
The annual subdivision meeting will be March 19th at First Baptist Church, 3pm to 5pm in the GYM. Located Next to Dollar General in High Ridge at the top of the hill. Notice this is a place of worship and all are to be expected to respect the property and act accordingly. MAP
Copy of meeting notice. This will be mailed in the coming days but you can preview it here.
Indenture Amendment (EDIT: BROKEN LINK 2/5/19)
News for the week of 10/26/15:
Homeowners, we just got a real nice boost to the operating budget due to the sale of a property. Street replacement will probably be put off until spring. We're currently working on getting storm sewers and creeks on the north side of Cape Town Village Rd. and Hillsboro Valley Park, to prevent flooding in the subdivision.
News for the week of 9/7/15:
On Monday, September 7th, your Waste Management team will observe Labor Day. All collection the week of September 7th - September 11th will be delayed by one day. Collection will be delayed for all services.
Monday service will be Tuesday, September 8th
Tuesday service will be Wednesday, September 9th
Wednesday service will be Thursday, September 10th
Thursday service will be Friday, September 11th
Friday service will be Saturday, September 12th
As always, please have everything out by 6am or the night before. If you have any questions please feel free to contact our Customer Service Department at 866-570-4702 from 7am - 5pm CST Monday - Friday.
The Waste Management Team
News for the week of 8/24/15:
Pet ownership tips click this link Basic rules of pet ownership in Jefferson County
News for the week of 8/17/15:
Please read our tips for our Waste Service under the services tab or click this link Hazardous Items
News for the week of 7/20/15:
Check out our Newsletter for July 2015 in the new tab above or click this link Newsletters
News for the week of 6/15/15:
Annual Special Assessment
Through the efforts of many volunteers and your board of trustees, they have achieved what was thought impossible. They devoted many long arduous hours to accomplish this task. The eligible voters in our subdivision passed the annual special assessment, and averted the imminent financial collapse of our subdivision. There was no other viable choice in resolving the situation, other than the aforementioned vote, to sustain financial viability and avoid bankruptcy of the subdivision.
Now, we will begin the long road to recovery, which will not be an easy one, but has to be done. As funds are received, we will begin to make necessary repairs as well as begin collection of past due assessment fees. We will use appropriate litigation, if necessary, in the collection of fees from those who have not paid.
Our intent is to put the same force of will and effort into making this subdivision one of which you, as a homeowner, will be proud! It will not happen all at once. We hope that over the next three years, you will see quite a difference; in the condition of our streets, and the subdivision in general.
News for the week of 6/8/15:
To everyone that agreed to the special assessment. Without your vote of confidence, this wouldn't have been possible. With the passage of these additional monies, with time, we'll be able to make a subdivision we can all be proud of while protecting our investments. Look for a newsletter to follow.
News for the week of 6/1/15:
STREET LIGHT OUTAGES – Ameren Missouri maintains the lights on the light poles within Cape Town Village South. If you are aware of a burned out street light, it can be reported to the trustees by calling (314) 995-1911 and providing them with the location of the pole. Provide as much information as possible; name of the street, which side of the street (north, south, east, west side), and the house number of the nearest home. If it is located at an intersection provide the names of both streets.
News for the week of 5/25/15:
On Monday, May 25th, your Waste Management team will observe Memorial Day. All collection the week of May 25 - May 29 will be delayed by one day. Collection will be delayed for all services.
Monday service will be Tuesday, May 26 Tuesday service will be Wednesday, May 27 Wednesday service will be Thursday, May 28 Thursday service will be Friday, May 29 Friday service will be Saturday, May 30
If you do have questions, please feel free to contact us at 1-866-570-4702 Or through our Live Chat feature
End of news.
December 2024 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 12/16/24:
November 2024 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 11/25/24:
October 2024 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 11/18/24:
Removed phone number from Trustee's contact page as it is no longer in service.
News for the week of 10/21/24:
September 2024 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 9/16/24:
August 2024 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 8/19/24:
July 2024 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 7/22/24:
June 2024 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 7/15/24:
May 2024 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 5/20/24:
March & April 2024 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 3/4/24:
If you have a LARGE (sofa, love seat, mattress, box springs, etc) bulky items for Waste Management pickup on the LAST THURSDAY of the month, a heads-up can be given to the Waste Management route manager, via a message you can post on this website. ALSO, mattresses MUST be wrapped in (the plastic wrap the new mattress came in, cling film, Saran Wrap) or they WILL NOT be picked up.
Please post a message on the page linked below
Bulk items notice has been posted here
News for the week of 2/5/24:
January 2024 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 1/1/24:
December 2023 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 12/18/23:
November 2023 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
Changed Code Red Community Notifications to Everbridge Notifications
News for the week of 10/30/23:
October 2023 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 10/2/23:
September 2023 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 9/4/23:
August 2023 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 8/7/23:
July 2023 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 7/3/23:
June 2023 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 6/12/23:
May 2023 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 5/15/23:
April 2023 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 4/24/23:
March 2023 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 3/20/23:
Updated assessments, HOA Fees due dates for 2023 here. Monetary amounts will not change from 2022 to 2023.
News for the week of 2/27/23:
January & February 2023 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 1/9/23:
December 2022 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
WM Large Items - Bulk item price list here.
New contact e-mail for Trustees: [email protected]
Contact Page
News for the week of 12/12/22:
November 2022 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 11/14/22:
Removing: Cindy Iberra as trustee.
News for the week of 11/1/22:
October 2022 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 10/3/22:
September 2022 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 9/5/22:
August 2022 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 8/1/22:
July 2022 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 7/4/22:
Adding: Adam Kirkpatrick as trustee.
June 2022 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 6/13/22:
CTVS Residents,
I, Joe Stough am no longer a trustee but I am working with the new trustees to enable a smooth transition.
After speaking with Jefferson County Roadworks it appears they’re only going to be doing crack sealing this year.
I was informed that concrete has increased from $ 57 a sq. yard to $ 102 a square yard. At that price I’m not sure how much work can be done with the money we have on hand, however I’m looking to get a bid so we can have an idea of what we can get done on our own. High priority will be on Wellesley and Cape Town Village Rd. and to a lesser extent ( but not much ) Belmont and Medford.
After I receive a bid, the results will be posed here..
Thank You,
News for the week of 6/6/22:
May 2022 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 5/23/22:
Removing: Gary Margalski as trustee.
News for the week of 5/2/22:
Adding: Cindy Ibarra and Gary Margalski as trustees.
April 2022 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 4/18/22:
Trash service, Waste Management is encouraging residents who do not already have and use a 96 gallon trash cart to please request and use one. Your weekly service will include (1) 96-gallon poly trash cart for no charge. Call (800) 964-8988 Click this link for full document.
News for the week of 4/11/22:
Document from Jefferson County stating which streets will receive concrete replacements.
2022 Subdivision PCC Concrete Panel Replacement by Contractor. PW21 SUBPCCREP. Project Construction Summary - Click This Link.
News for the week of 4/4/22:
March 2022 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
Subject: Attention all homeowners!
Annual HOA meeting set for Saturday April 9th at 2 p.m. at Fellowship Baptist Church located at 2735 High Ridge Blvd. Please bring your photo I.D. Orange notices have been mailed out.
Thank You
News for the week of 3/1/22:
January 2022 and February Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 2/14/22:
Updated list of how the HOA assessment fees are used.
CAPETOWN VILLAGE SOUTH SUBDIVISION What your assessments provide 2022
News for the week of 2/1/22:
Late yesterday the St Louis Area sites (Metro, Arnold, DeSoto) announced that they will be shut down again today.
All Wednesday and Thursday routes will be recovered on Friday 2/4.
News for the week of 1/24/22:
Attention all homeowners!
Annual HOA meeting tentatively set for Saturday March 19th at 6 p.m. at Fellowship Baptist Church located at 2735 High Ridge Blvd. Notices to be mailed out shortly.
Thank You
News for the week of 1/3/22:
December 2021 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 11/29/21:
November 2021 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 11/8/21:
Please consider volunteering ( IT’S YOUR HOMES AND INVESTMENT ) as our future depends on those willing to run the HOA. The job doesn’t require a lot of time and I will help newly elected trustees learn the ropes as it were.
Find the Trustees contact info here:
News for the week of 11/1/21:
October 2021 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 10/25/21:
August / September 2021 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
A note from Joe:
During my walks, I noticed the asphalt overlay on Gloucester is already showing cracks. Shouldn’t be long before it ends up in the storm sewer. And for that very reason, the Cape Town Village South HOA should only accept concrete replacement from Jefferson County ( other than patching holes ) or pay to have the concrete work done by private contractors.
Still no response ( 3rd contact ) from Jefferson County Storm water Division on the replacement of the rusted out Storm water pipe between the common ground between Somerville and Hillsboro-Valley Park Rd.
This weekend (10/29/21) the Storm water run-off from the common ground area of the old footbridge to Somerville is being cleared on both sides of the run-off, trees will be cut down in the runoff itself. It may be necessary to do some excavation work to keep the run-off from affecting properties along Cambridge and Somerville. Please refrain from throwing trash and other items, railroad ties, tires and other debris in the run-off.
News for the week of 9/27/21:
From your Trustees,
After speaking with a lawyer associated with the HOA, anyone having issues with any individual/s in the neighborhood needs to
document, document, document any incidents.
1) Call the police/mental health and make a report.
2) Document any and all confrontations with the individual/s or any situation where the individual/s displays dangerous actions.
3) any interaction’s with caretaker/parent if possible get a contact
PLEASE NOTE: talking loud, cursing, watching people etc., may make you uncomfortable and concerned but are not dangerous actions.
News for the week of 9/6/21:
Due to Labor Day, waste pickup occurring on or after the holiday for your residence could be provided one day late.
Here are some steps you can take to prepare for your service:
- Please ensure your containers are available for collection.
- Keep your container accessible. Parked vehicles and other obstacles may prevent us from servicing your container.
Thank you for being a valued Waste Management customer. We appreciate the opportunity to be your environmental service and solutions partner. Have a safe and happy holiday!
News for the week of 8/30/21:
Subject: Homeowners behind on assessments
If you are a homeowner in Cape Town Village South subdivision who are behind on assessments the Homeowners Association is imploring you to not ignore letters from City and Village Tax Office, Sandberg Phoenix & von Gontard or Dana McKitrick law firms. Just ignoring the communications results in very large and burdensome legal fees which are charged to the homeowners. It’s very troublesome when notifying and asking homeowners to pay assessments and it falls on deaf ears, especially when we ( the HOA ) is willing to work with you to clear the debt. Sadly, to continue down this path will eventually cost you the ownership of your home. Please listen to the voice of reason and do what is right. We’re waiting to help you.
Contact City & Village Tax Office @ 314-739-4800
News for the week of 8/16/21:
Subject: Request for Trustees
Cape Town Village South is approaching a crossroads in determining the future of the subdivision. Either we’ll move forward with continuing improvements or regress from the progress made in the last 5-6 years.
There has been quite a large turnover in the ownership of homes recently. There’s a good side and a bad side to the changes of ownership. The good side is an influx of younger owners who (I believe along with many of us who have been here for years) truly care about their investment in homeownership. The bad side is that homes are also being purchased as rental properties which in turn cause a continual turnover of people coming and going which means instability in the subdivision.
Moving forward, the HOA indentures are in need of a complete rewrite to fix this problem and any other issues homeowners may be interested in correcting. It would be a large undertaking as it would require approximately 220 “yes” votes out of some 350 homeowners and we know from a previous experience would require door-to-door collection of votes. This would require homeowners who would be willing to help the trustees reach the necessary votes for passage.
Having spoken to 2 separate law firms it would cost approximately $5000 to $9000 to totally rewrite the indentures. So, as a community we need to decide what our homes and the future of this subdivision are worth. Jefferson County Road Works currently maintains the streets, storm sewer inlets, signs, etc. This is a 5 year agreement and we are well into year 3. At year 5 the county will assess the program and decide if they will continue the program or end it.
I personally, as almost all of you would agree don’t particularly care for the yearly “special assessment” which is part of the HOA indentures. If Jefferson County stops maintaining the streets there’s a real problem. The way the indentures are currently written the HOA can only collect $150.00 a year per household outside of a special assessment. That results in approximately $53,000.00 a year if everyone were to pay their assessments, which should be noted does not happen. City and Village Tax Office then takes 10% of that amount leaving about $48,000.00 a year to maintain everything, and since not everyone pays all or even part of their assessments it means the subdivision would once again fall into financial hardship from lack of funds.
You can see where the assessments are spent by viewing:
I, (Joe S.) plan on resigning at the next HOA meeting if not sooner. Kerry S. has agreed to stay on as a trustee. We’re in need of 2 more individuals to volunteer as trustees. Please consider volunteering as our future depends on those willing to run the HOA. The job doesn’t require a lot of time and I will help newly elected trustees learn the ropes as it were. Find the Trustees contact info here:
Thank you to all of you who live in Cape Town Village South for reading this open letter and consider the request for trustee as well as a rewrite of the indentures.
News for the week of 8/2/21:
July 2021 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
If there are any homeowners in Cape Town Village South who are behind on assessments the HOA entreats you to contact City and Village Tax Office (314-739-4800) to make arrangements to catch up. Please do not just ignore correspondences form City and Village or SPVG/McKittrick law offices because at some point, the point of no return will be reached at which time the HOA can't help any longer. We have a business to run (the HOA) and responsibility to maintain the subdivision properties and protect the homeowners investments. We can and will work with you to clear up any debts to satisfy all parties.
News for the week of 7/5/21:
June 2021 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 6/28/21:
6/30/21 Attention Homeowners
Message from your trustees about the upcoming Concrete replacements.
Concrete panel replacement will begin July 5th and completion is expected by the week of July 26-30th.
Michael Christopher
Jefferson County Roadworks
Signs and notices where the Concrete is being replaced are being posted.
Roads receiving maintenance are Waltham, Plymouth, Weymouth and possibly Forest Ln.
6/29/21 Attention Homeowners
Message relayed from your trustees, recent Waste Management inconsistent service.
(To affected homeowners) Our sincere apologies for the inconsistent service Cape Town Village South has received lately. We have been significantly under-staffed these last few months due to a severe shortage in available commercial drivers in the local transportation industry. We are actively hiring and recruiting new drivers every day to get back on track, and are also working on a number of logistical changes to help stabilize service.
With this being said, we are currently unable to guarantee service on a specific day due to the uncontrollable nature of staffing today. We can guarantee service by the end of the following business day should we be unable to complete service on the planned day. We encourage residents to leave their trash out and accessible for us.
Also, residents are encouraged to sign up for automated service alerts notifying of potential service disruption. They can do so by calling customer service at 1-800-964-8988 and providing their address or by emailing customer service at [email protected].
Thank you for your continued patience and please know we are working as hard as possible to recruit and hire new drivers and return to the state of predictable service you folks have come to know and expect.
Paul Bickford
Manager - Municipal Relations
News for the week of 6/21/21:
6/25/21 Attention Homeowners
Message from your trustees about the upcoming Concrete replacements.
Weather allowing, Concrete replacements will begin within 7 to 14 days. The company contracted to do the work will place signs and notices to warn everyone traveling through the subdivision where the Concrete is being replaced. Roads receiving maintenance are Waltham, Plymouth, Weymouth and possibly Forest Ln.
News for the week of 6/14/21:
May 2021 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
6/14/21 Attention Homeowners
Message from your trustees, street crack filling and road maintenance.
Street Work for Cape Town Village South. Per Mike Christopher of Jefferson Co. Public Works:
*PLM (Parking Lot Maintenance) has been scheduled to perform crack sealing on the streets beginning on 6/21.
* Waltham, Plymouth and Weymouth will have concrete replacement done later this year.
* Medford and Wellesley will be attended to in 2022.
*The agreement with Jefferson County was for 3 years and then reviewed to determine the feasibility for the county to continue with the agreement. If not feasible, CTVS should be in a position to contract the work ourselves.
News for the week of 5/24/21:
(Updated 5/25/21)
The Trustees are waiting to hear from Jefferson County Public Works to see if they'll help with costs since the pipe runs under Somerville between storm and water inlets. We are thrilled to report we received a bid much lower than expected. We believe we can get this work done and not send the HOA into Debt.
5/24/21 Attention Homeowners
Message from your trustees, Storm Water Runoff Piping.
Cape Town Village South is waiting on a bid from a highly recommended contractor, Kelpe Contracting. There is approximately 200 ft. of rusted and deteriorating galvanized pipe. A sleeve would have been the least expensive option but the diameter of the existing pipe is 42” requiring the new sleeve to be 36” diameter which may not be able to handle heavy rains. Due to the Covid situation, plastic piping costs have soared. Also, to handle the additional run-off from Somerville Dr., the 42” pipe transitions to 60” pipe. Until an inspection has been completed we are unsure of how many feet will be of the 60" pipe. We are also looking at replacing the old 60" galvanized pipe with 60" concrete pipe as there may be a cost savings. When this work commences, the 5500 block of Somerville Dr. would be closed 1 day between the 2 storm water inlets. Also of note, the Cape Town Village South HOA currently does not have the necessary funds to cover the cost of replacing the entire Storm Water Runoff Piping system in question. The Trustees are examining 2 options, borrow the money or wait and continue to save for this project, at the earliest we will post an update this coming week.
News for the week of 5/17/21:
5/14/21 Attention Homeowners
Further information and scheduling will be provided for the work below.
Please check back periodically for updates.
Jefferson County 2021 road maintenance plan.
Woburn Dr.
Weymouth Dr.
Water Tower Rd.
Wellesley Dr.
Somerville Dr.
Medford Dr.
Waltham Ct.
Ridge Dr.
Forest Ln.
Plymouth Dr.
Waltham Ct.
Ridge Dr.
Water Tower Rd.
Plymouth Dr.
Medford Dr.
Forest Ln.
News for the week of 5/3/21:
April 2021 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 4/5/21:
March 2021 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 3/1/21:
February 2021 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 2/1/21:
January 2021 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 1/4/21:
December 2020 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 11/30/20:
November 2020 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 11/16/20:
October 2020 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 11/2/20:
Contract is signed to have curbs re-striped as well as placing a double yellow stripe and white stripes both sides of asphalt on Cape Town Village Road from the daycare to the end of county maintenance. Work will take place Wednesday ( Nov. 4th ) through Friday (Nov. 6th ).
Waste Management carts:
Carts are $1.50 per month and billing is made directly to the resident. Residents should reach out directly to Waste Management customer service in order to sign up. Simply provide your address and let the agent know you reside in Cape Town Village South HOA.
Waste Management Page
News for the week of 10/12/20:
September 2020 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 9/7/20:
August 2020 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
Additional, 9/9/20 A few notes from the Trustees:
* There will be no County concrete replacement this year due to ongoing event caused by Covid-19.
* The road work completed so far for 2020 is the concrete sealing work.
* The Trustees will mark places where patching is urgently needed and open a ticket with Jefferson County Street Works to get patching done.
* The Trustees have given responsibility of snow removal for the 2020/2021 season to Jefferson County.
* If the County is too slow in getting to us for plowing we will formulate a "Plan B" possibly contracting the work out in extreme cases when needed. Basically trial and error this Winter.
News for the week of 8/24/20:
Your Trustees are looking for homeowner input.
Question: Should Cape Town Village South turn over snowplowing / salting to Jefferson County for the 2020 Winter season?
Per a discussion with Karen of Jefferson County Public Works they have 3 new plow trucks which will be dedicated to subdivisions.
Depending on the weather, we could possibly save between $3-5k which could be used for other urgent matters. A large expense would be the replacement of the 4 foot diameter (4') galvanized drainage pipe of which the bottom is rusted out. This pipe runs under the common ground and Somerville which then empties into the ditch running adjacent to Hillsboro Valley Park Rd. We estimate it is going to cost between $80-$100k to replace the pipe. As you can see, we currently do not have the funds for this project (8/20/20). The Subdivision needs to be as frugal as possible with the HOA expenditures. Let us know your thoughts ASAP by contacting us by phone or by agreeing or disagreeing via the survey below.
Joe Stough
News for the week of 8/3/20:
June / July 2020 Income & Disbursement Statements posted here.
1- Drivers please use caution driving Cape Town Village Road, Saturday August 8th. Weather permitting, Cape Town Village Road between MMDC X Daycare and County Maintenance work will be happening this Saturday 8/7/20 to clear brush from edge of the road.
2- As Trustees of Cape Town Village South we are entrusted perform certain duties as well keeping the subdivision financially on sound footing. We are all well aware of the current state of the economy along with the stress and hardships that have been caused by the pandemic. With that said, if anyone is behind on assessments, please contact City Village Tax Office at 314-739-4800 to see what kind of arrangements can be made to prevent further legal action.
News for the week of 6/19/20:
As many of you already know due to the COVID-19 pandemic we were not able to hold our Annual Meeting that was scheduled for 2020. As soon as the High Ridge Library re-opens and we can schedule it, we will have our annual meeting. At this time we can’t say when that will be since it is out of our control. However, at that time we will go over our financial records and show with FACTS not unsubstantiated claims that we homeowners are NOT sitting on vast sums of monies and why we as trustees and good stewards of all of your hard earned dollars ( assessments ) are being saved as much as possible toward future necessary projects which are critical for the survival this subdivision. Thank you all again for your continued patience and understanding during these trying times, it is greatly appreciated.
News for the week of 6/1/20:
May 2020 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
Helpful webpage
Using Household Products properly
News for the week of 5/11/20:
Urgent update 5/14/20:
March & April 2020 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
5/11/20 Waste Management - Your Waste Management Service
Dear Valued Customer,
Effective the week of May 11, we will resume the collection of bulky waste, such as furniture, carpet, mattresses, appliances. We ask residents with more than one, please schedule those additional items to be picked up over time. This is strictly to ensure our collection teams can complete all core services each week.
Thank you for being a Waste Management customer. We appreciate your patience during this time. If you have any questions, please contact us by chat at; by email at [email protected]; or by phone at (800) 964-8988.
For the most up-to-date service information, please visit
Also, please note the footbridge between Braintree & Somerville is closed and will be removed.
News for the week of 3/30/20:
Short-Term Waste Management COVID-19 Guidelines 4/1/20
Due to the impact of the unprecedented coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, we are temporarily suspending pickup for bulk collection (e.g., furniture, carpet, mattresses, appliances), stickered bulk items, and extra call-in service for bulky items outside the cart. This extra service has been deemed non-essential at this time. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
We will continue to monitor the situation and update you when these suspended services resume. To ensure you always have the latest information, please visit and sign up for notifications. We appreciate your understanding and thank you for trusting Waste Management as your environmental solutions partner.
News for the week of 3/23/20:
3/24/20 Waste Management - Coronavirus / COVID-19 and Resulting Declarations of Emergency
News for the week of 3/16/20:
Urgent Alert
Waste Management Bulk
Effective immediately the following change is being implemented until further notice:
Bulky item collection - including scheduled events or extra call in service for bulky items, such as large items outside the cart, is suspended until further notice.
News for the week of 3/9/20:
C̶a̶p̶e̶ ̶T̶o̶w̶n̶ ̶S̶o̶u̶t̶h̶ ̶H̶o̶m̶e̶o̶w̶n̶e̶r̶s̶.̶ ̶A̶f̶t̶e̶r̶ ̶r̶e̶c̶e̶i̶v̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶l̶e̶g̶a̶l̶ ̶a̶d̶v̶i̶s̶e̶,̶ ̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶a̶n̶n̶u̶a̶l̶ ̶m̶e̶e̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶W̶I̶L̶L̶ ̶T̶A̶K̶E̶ ̶P̶L̶A̶C̶E̶ ̶a̶s̶ ̶s̶c̶h̶e̶d̶u̶l̶e̶d̶ ̶o̶n̶ ̶S̶a̶t̶u̶r̶d̶a̶y̶ ̶M̶a̶r̶c̶h̶ ̶2̶1̶s̶t̶ ̶2̶0̶2̶0̶,̶ ̶1̶:̶0̶0̶ ̶p̶m̶ ̶a̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶H̶i̶g̶h̶ ̶R̶i̶d̶g̶e̶ ̶L̶i̶b̶r̶a̶r̶y̶.̶ ̶I̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶r̶e̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶e̶n̶o̶u̶g̶h̶ ̶h̶o̶m̶e̶o̶w̶n̶e̶r̶s̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶m̶ ̶a̶ ̶q̶u̶o̶r̶u̶m̶,̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶m̶e̶e̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶w̶i̶l̶l̶ ̶b̶e̶ ̶r̶e̶s̶c̶h̶e̶d̶u̶l̶e̶d̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶S̶a̶t̶u̶r̶d̶a̶y̶ ̶A̶p̶r̶i̶l̶ ̶1̶8̶,̶ ̶2̶0̶2̶0̶,̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶w̶r̶i̶t̶t̶e̶n̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶i̶c̶e̶ ̶f̶o̶l̶l̶o̶w̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶f̶i̶r̶s̶t̶ ̶m̶e̶e̶t̶i̶n̶g̶.̶̶
News for the week of 3/2/20:
February 2020 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
A complaint/work order has been sent to Jefferson County Public Works to patch the potholes at:
2608-2612 Capetown Village Rd
2532 Weymouth Dr
2536 Braintree
This work may be completed this week or next.
To All Residents,
It is with deepest sympathy the Trustees announce the passing of former trustee, James O’Connor on Tuesday March 2nd 2020.
Jim put his heart and soul into Cape Town Village South, for which we are eternally grateful. He will be deeply missed.
Joe Stough, Trustee
Cape Town Village South Subdivision
Update 3/6/20
The visitation will be at Chapel Hill on Friday March 13th, from 4-8 PM. The service will be on Saturday March 14th at 2 PM. (3/14/20)
News for the week of 2/3/20:
January 2020 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
To All Residents,
I (Joe Stough) have appointed and wish to welcome Kerry Shultz as interim Trustee to the Trustee Board.
I am naming Kerry Shultz to join myself and Kim Rego to the board of Trustees until our meeting in March at which time the appointments will be voted on.
Joe Stough, Trustee
Cape Town Village South Subdivision
News for the week of 1/13/20:
December 2019 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
To All Residents,
I (Joe Stough) have appointed and wish to welcome Ms. Kim Rego as interim Trustee to the Trustee Board.
Joe Stough, Trustee
Cape Town Village South Subdivision
News for the week of 1/1/20:
Effective immediately, I hereby resign my position as duly elected trustee of Cape Town Village South Subdivision. This action is being taken, due to very serious health issues that I have developed.
There were many other issues that I had hoped to address while trustee, but due to my deteriorating medical condition, I will not be able to complete those goals.
Thank you,
Jim O'Connor, trustee
Cape Town Village South Subdivision
News for the week of 12/2/19:
November 2019 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
Road replacement for 2019 has been completed. New concrete replacement will resume sometime in 2020.
Important Notice:
At this time (December 2019) Cape Town Village South has reached approximately one third of the subdivision either not paying Assessments on time or is taking advantage of Legal Service's not collecting Assessments until the home owner is at least $1000.00 delinquent.
Starting January 1st. 2020, after the home owner has reached a $500.00 delinquency and has not contacted City and Village Tax Service to reach a payment plan that will satisfy the balance due and to remain currently paid on time, then at that time the subdivision attorney's will file in court for a judgement against the delinquent homeowner.
In extreme instances of Delinquency action may be taken to pursue the sale of the property to pay the subdivision what is due.
Per the indentures, the homeowner is liable for all legal services costs and court costs.
With only two thirds of the subdivision membership paying their Assessments, the subdivision will eventually fall behind in adequate funds and will not be able to pay the bills due and keep up with needed repairs at the same time.
All members of the subdivision need to stay current on their assessments. The subdivision owners who pay their assessments should not suffer for those who don't.
News for the week of 11/4/19:
October 2019 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
Road replacement for 2019 has been completed. New concrete replacement will resume sometime in 2020.
News for the week of 10/14/19:
Road work will be moving to Cambridge and Somerville roads soon. If the section is marked with a bright pink dot, it will be replaced. A notice will be hung on the doors of those affected in advance.
News for the week of 10/7/19:
September 2019 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
The process of concrete removal and replacement on Belmont near Cape Town Village Rd. has begun.
During initial phase of roadwork:
* Traffic on Belmont will be one-way between Plymouth on the North, running to Cape Town Village Road on the South.
* Cape Town Village Rd. at Belmont may be closed to through traffic at times to allow for construction equipment. Allow time for alternate routes.
News for the week of 9/23/19:
E. Meier Operations manager just informed us that there has been a delay on an existing project and will not be moving into Capetown Village South until next week 9/30/19. They will move in and start with parking signs , door hangers and information on dates etc... to pass on to the homeowners with as much information as possible. There are no concerns of not having the same completion time.
Thanks for your patience.
News for the week of 9/16/19:
Road work will start the week of 9/23 at Capetown Village Road and Belmont. If you come down Capetown Village Road, and turn right, that is the start point. They will do the right hand lane first and continue up Belmont, onto Winthrop, and then Braintree, and lastly back around onto Belmont to the starting point. Then if all goes as planned they will begin on the opposite side of the street and repeat the process.
When an area is excavated it will be rocked in over night, in front of driveways. Excavations will normally only be open one day then concrete poured the next. The dwell time for cure is three days. After that it will be driveable.
During the 3 days of concrete curing drivers will have to find alternate parking. Also During this process it may take several more days after the curing process has completed if machinery or materials are still preventing parking in front of your home from the next section adjacent being poured or curing. Not all drivers will have to wait more than 3 days but there may be a percentage who do.
Other Important Things to remember:
Please talk to your neighbors soon about parking at their property, in their driveway or on the street in front of their house.
Please be mindful and patient with your neighbors. no need to add more stress than may have already accumulated.
If you have a blocked mailbox your mail will have to be picked up at the Fenton Post Office. 10 Fenton Plaza, Fenton, MO.
They will put up no parking signs and other traffic directions.
They will photo driveways prior to excavation.
Work is expected to take 6+ weeks total.
News for the week of 9/9/19:
August 2019 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
City & Village Tax Office page has been updated to the correct website link
Road Work News
Upcoming Road Work to begin soon.
Streets will be marked the week of 9/16/19, weather permitting.
Actual roadwork to begin 9/23/19, weather permitting.
During the week of 9/16/19 the Jefferson County Road Department will come out and mark the slabs to be replaced. The Road Department will then begin replacing sections of concrete the next week on 9/23/19 on Belmont, Winthrop, Braintree, Cambridge, Somerville Drive, and Somerville Spur. Work expected to be completed on these roads before the colder fall weather comes.
Homeowners please make arrangements if possible with your neighbors across the street to park there if concrete is being replaced in front of your, or their driveways. The Director says long sections of concrete will be replaced, and if homeowners don't make arrangements to park across the street it is likely they may have to park a long distance away.
While these long sections of concrete are being replaced, it will be impossible to park in those areas. Our streets are narrow, and with one side torn out for a long distance homeowners can not park on the street across from that work. It would make the street impassable if they did.
The Road Department will only barricade the new concrete for about three days. The Director says that by then it should reach 2500 PSI and the barricades will be removed.
If replacement occurs on mailbox side of street, mail will have to be picked up at the Fenton Post Office ( be sure to bring ID ).
Removing barriers or damaging concrete will be subject to prosecution by Jefferson County.
News for the week of 8/5/19:
July 2019 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 7/8/19:
June 2019 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 6/3/19:
May 2019 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
Subdivision Updates
Completed work or near completion:
* $10,000.00 section of street that became unstable on Winthrop Dr. has been replaced.
* Section of sewer line on Plymouth Dr. has been replaced. Digging up the driveway and front yard of the house until good "old" piping was found to connect "new" piping too was required. New driveway will be poured in the near future, possibly along with a new sewer top and lid.
Work yet to be started:
* Replacement of hundreds of feet of four foot pipe between the woods section on Somerville Dr. going all the way to the creek on Hillsboro Valley Park Rd. The old galvanized Piping has rusted out and is causing sink holes.
* Wooden Foot Bridge is in need of new footings, wood replacement, and paint.
* The creek going to the pipe needs to be clear cut.
For anyone interested in what is going on in Cape Town Village South these are just some of the improvements now and in the very near future,
Thank You.
News for the week of 5/20/19:
BIG ANNOUNCEMENT FROM YOUR TRUSTEES - Cape Town South Street maintenance program announcement
News for the week of 5/6/19:
April 2019 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 4/15/19:
The street in front of 5425 Winthrop is to be replaced with new concrete starting April 22, 2019. This is over a 100 ft. section on a curve. With one side of the street closed we recommend using alternate routes for over a week. This street has become unstable and the work needs to be done.
March 2019 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
Added Helpful Information Page
News for the week of 3/25/19:
Improved Assessments (HOA Fees) page, now under Documents tab.
Moved Code RED page directly under Resources tab.
Reports 2019 Trustee - New Business - Treasurer Reports given at the 2019 Annual Subdivision meeting.
Report 2018 Annual Collection Report given at the 2019 Annual Subdivision meeting.
Official 2018 Meeting Minutes voted on and approved at the 2019 Annual Subdivision meeting.
News for the week of 3/4/19:
February 2019 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 2/18/19:
Attention Residents the subdivision meeting has been set and will be at the meeting room in the High Ridge Library on March 16th at 2 pm.
The Jefferson County Counsel has accepted taking over the street repairs of Cape Town Village South. The Public Works Director has informed the Trustees that repairs will commence on or about May 1st. They will be walking the streets before then and will make up a list of the sections of the streets that will be repaired this year. They are also going to try to work up a five year plan of repairs. Any other updates will be posted here for you Homeowners so make sure to check back weekly.
Also, the trustees are planning to do some repairs as the weather permits such as filling pot holes.
Also note, please come back to this subdivision website for future news. The trustees will continue to post more pertinent information here as compared to the Next Door Site. Thank you!
News for the week of 2/4/19:
Mark your Calendars.
The yearly subdivision meeting will be the 3rd Saturday of March per our indentures. 3/16/19.
The time and place is of yet to be determined and will be posted when it is.
The news on the county accepting our street repairs and what they vote to repair will be available at the meeting.
Please attend if you can.
January 2019 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 1/7/19:
December 2018 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 12/10/18:
Road Ice Warning on Cape Town Village Road. See Notice from the Trustees HERE
News for the week of 12/3/18:
November Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 11/19/18:
City & Village Tax Office now offers the option of making on-line Assessment Payments through their website! Cape Town Village South residents please visit website works best via Microsoft Edge, Safari, Firefox, Google Chrome. Internet Explorer is not recommended.
At the City & Village homepage in the top right corner click the "Make Payment" button. Next click the "Continue" button this will take you to the Central Bank Elect Pay page where you can then proceed to enter your payment details. Please be aware a convenience fee in the amount of $10.00 for using this feature will be charged.
News for the week of 11/5/18:
October Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 10/22/18:
This Information slipped through the proverbial cracks but our Trash Service Waste Management raised the recycling fee from $6.00 to $6.50 on 5/1/2018. updated page here.
News for the week of 10/15/18:
September Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 9/10/18:
August Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
Attention Homeowners
Jim O'Connor went to Hillsboro last week (9/5/18) and turned in the votes to be counted and verified by the county. He was told there are now four subdivisions accepted to date. The application has to be read to the county and voted on three times to be accepted. Our subdivision will be read at the end of September for the first time along with six other subdivisions that have been read before. By the time ours will come up for the third and final reading to be voted on for acceptance it will be at the end of October. We have no idea of how many other subdivisions will be in the process by that time. If they vote to accept us we will not expect any repairs from them this year because we are having our streets treated come the snow or ice. We hope this will happen. We as your Trustees worked hard to get this process completed even if it was slowed down by lack of interest by some homeowners. The homeowners who attended our special meeting to vote or those who voted after the meeting we thank you!
News for the week of 8/20/18:
Special Meeting Notes read at Fellowship First Baptist Church pertaining to the approval of Jefferson County maintenance of subdivision streets. Please click here.
News for the week of 8/6/18:
July Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here. County Road Maintenance Meeting here.
News for the week of 7/9/18:
June Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 6/4/18:
May Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 5/21/18:
Waste Management - Memorial Day Week Schedule (5/28/18 through 5/31/18)
Many of our locations will be closed for Memorial Day. Your scheduled waste collection will be provided 1 day late.
Please ensure your containers are available for service.
Here are some steps you can take to prepare for your service:
- Best practice is to place your container out the night before where allowed or by 5 a.m. on your service day
- Keep your container accessible. Parked vehicles and other obstacles may prevent us from servicing your container
News for the week of 5/7/18:
April Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
Help Keep Your Community Safe. Can you imagine a garbage-filled bonfire on your front lawn?
Click above for full story.
News for the week of 4/9/18:
March Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
Important announcement!
Next week (starting 4/17/18) Capetown Village Road is to be paved.
The road will be graded on the 17th and OPEN for travel.
The road will be paved on the 18th and 19th and will be CLOSED for travel.
Alternative Routes: Please use Winthrop Dr. to Hillsboro Valley Park Rd.
OR through Capetown Village North Medford / Gloucester / Jacqueline / Caroline to HWY 30.
The curb will be placed on the 20th and the road will be OPEN for travel.
The Fire Dept. and School Dist. are notified and a note has been placed the Next door site.
Progress continues.
News for the week of 3/19/18:
Meeting minutes from the 2017 meeting has been posted at 2017 Minutes page.
News for the week of 3/5/18:
February Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
Mar 11, 2018 - Daylight Saving Time Starts
News for the week of 2/12/18:
Reminder to all residents, our indentures for CTVS call for the Annual Subdivision meeting to take place on the 3rd Saturday in March.
This Information can be found on page 16 of the original Indentures Document
News for the week of 2/5/18:
Website for the Northwest school district which has contact information, etc. Permanent link added to the services page.
A flyer specifically concerning Kindergarten, important content about registration, etc. Meeting on March 3, 2018
Notice to Homeowners, we will be mailing a notice for the subdivision meeting in a few weeks. Per some homeowners request who cannot attend the usual early meeting time, the meeting will be held at 5:30 PM March 17th, Fellowship First Baptist Church in High Ridge. Hope to see you there!
January 2018 Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 1/1/18:
We have been notified that Bonacker Farms of House Springs on Hwy W accepts yard waste from homeowners as well as private parties. Charge is $1.00 per standard paper yard waste bag. Updated "Recycling Centers" Page
December Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 12/4/17:
November Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 11/6/17:
October Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 10/9/17:
September Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 10/2/17:
Website Correction
Old information:
"Yard waste is available at $12.00 per month."
New information:
Yard waste collection is not available under the current CTVS agreement with Waste Management Services.
Weekly Recycling will still be available.
Updated Waste Management Page
News for the week of 9/25/17:
Plats in PDF form have been added here.
News for the week of 9/7/17:
August Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
Boling Concrete will begin street section replacements in September. The work would have started sooner but Boling has been busy finishing street replacements at other locations. Because of this delay, CTVS accepted an even lower bid than last year!
Also of good news the Byrnes Mill recycling center will remain open but will not accept grass clippings, leaves or branches (no yard waste). They still accept plastic, glass, and paper.
News for the week of 8/7/17:
July Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 7/24/17:
UPDATE: 9/7/17 the Byrnes Mill recycling center will remain open but will not accept grass clippings, leaves or branches (no yard waste)
Effective 8/13/2017 the City of Byrnes Mill recycling center is closing. This has been a resource to the area but their grant funding is expiring and the City of Byrnes Mill will not fund the operation of the recycling center without another grant. As of now, no new grants are available.
Earthbound Recycling
25 Truitt Drive
Eureka, MO 63025
Kirkwood Recycling Depository
350 S. Taylor
Kirkwood, MO 63122
Please call each location to verify services offered. You can drop some items off for free but for others there is a charge.
Example: Earthbound charges a fee to recycle old cathode ray tube type televisions. However, flat screen LCD and plasma type televisions are no charge.
News for the week of 7/5/17:
June Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 6/19/17:
Cape Town Village South - What your assessments provide document
News for the week of 6/5/17:
May Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
We also added a new link to the Jefferson County Property Viewer.
Jefferson County MO Property Viewer:
Put your address into top left hand corner, it takes you to the property. Property lines are imposed over a satellite view.
News for the week of 5/22/17:
Some residents have been asking for information on barking dogs.
Ordinance - Barking Dogs, Pg 7:
Section 205.125: Peace Disturbance Howling or Barking Dogs
News for the week of 5/8/17:
April Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 4/10/17:
March Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
Some homeowners are still unpaid as of this week for their March Assessment. Concrete street replacements and upgrades that are already under contract will proceed (weather permitting), but until we have the majority of the March Assessments the upcoming replacements will be put on hold.
Frequently Asked Questions: (EDIT: BROKEN LINK 2/5/19. Scroll down page or click FAQ on top of page)
News for the week of 4/3/17:
Additions to the Website, These were reports given at the 2017 meeting:
2017 Trustee's report
2017 New business report (some of the items the trustees plan to work on this year)
2017 Treasurer's report
2016 Meeting minutes (voted on and approved at the 2017 meeting)
If you are an owner that couldn't attend this year's meeting please download & print or view these new documents in your web browser.
Added 4/6/17 Waste Management Contract 5 Year Term
News for the week of 3/27/17:
Thank you to everyone for your attendance at the 2017 Cape Town Village South Subdivision Meeting.
On the services page (renamed from Phone # & Websites) we have added links for:
* Byrnes Mill Recycling Center
* CODE RED, Emergency Communication Network
* Dig Rite - (now a direct link)
News for the week of 3/6/17:
February Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 2/13/17:
Cape Town Village South Subdivision Meeting
will be held at Fellowship First Baptist Church
on March 25th at 4PM
2735 High Ridge Blv
News for the week of 2/6/17:
January Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
News for the week of 1/9/17:
December Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here.
Residential Bulk Item Restrictions. Items must be placed at curbside by 6 AM on collection day.
Click Here for printable document
News for the week of 12/19/16:
As a reminder: If anyone Plans to dig or excavate in the subdivision at anytime, please call DIG RITE.
Missouri One Call (DIG RITE) – (800) 344-7483
1-800-DIG-RITE, or dial 811 (Click Homeowner Information)
Thank You,
Capetown Village South Trustees
News for the week of 12/5/16:
November Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here
It has been reported some homeowners are blowing their fallen tree leaves into the streets and if enough end up in the storm sewers it will clog them. If you see a neighbor blowing leaves into the street please remind them to dispose of yard waste in bags or burn them. All homeowners in CTVS are partly financially responsible for repairing / un-clogging sewers which is costly, funds that could have instead gone to further repairing our streets.
Thank You,
Capetown Village South Trustees
News for the week of 11/21/16:
Pending Legal Actions have been made public and a page under the Resources Tab has been added with a link to
Click Here
News for the week of 10/31/16:
October Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here
News for the week of 10/17/16:
September Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here
News for the week of 9/5/16:
August Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here
News for the week of 8/29/16:
Boling should be back to do the rest of this years concrete street replacement in a week or two in September. Be prepared for the work to start.
News for the week of 8/8/16:
Thanks everyone again for your patience during this process.
July's Income & Disbursement Statement has been posted here
Boling Concrete will be back around the end of August due to the continuing rain, weather permitting.
Thanks everyone again for your patience during this process.
News for the week of 7/4/16:
The concrete work may start again next week weather permitting. This next round will be approximately twice as much as the first sections replaced and by the time it is finished almost all of the $79,000.00 in the account will have been used to replace damaged street sections. We had promised to try to replace approximately $60,000.00 worth this year and are far exceeding it. We have enough in the account to pay all upcoming bills and do a few more improvements before the next Assessment is due. Thanks everyone again for your patience during this process.News for the week of 6/20/16:
News for the week of 6/13/16:
After Tuesday, Boling Concrete will take a one week break for these first replaced sections to harden. When they come back they will be replacing about twice as much as they already have. In less than a month the worst sections of concrete should be replaced and ready to drive on. This will be the largest amount of street replacement to take place since the subdivision was founded in 1976 and next year we hope to replace even more. Thank you everyone for your patience during this process, once completed our subdivision's improved, smoother streets will be enjoyed by everyone from kids riding bikes to dog walkers and even the mailman.
News for the week of 6/6/16:
We have added a Parking Guidelines web page. Please take a moment to look at it here Parking Guidelines
News for the week of 5/23/16:
Boling Concrete expects to be able to start replacement of the streets about the middle of June. They are going to replace around 800 feet on one side of the streets with the money available for this year, at this time. The sections will be what the Trustees think are the one's in the worst shape on the major routes in the subdivision. We will address the next of the worst sections next year and hopefully we will be able to fix some on all of the streets. This will continue as long as the current trustee's hold their positions. The replacements will be a 6 1/2 bag mixture that will be 8 inches thick, with joints at every 15 ft. and sealed. There will be #4 wire in it the same as they use on the highway. It will have 4 inches of MoDot type 4 rock as a sub base, the same as St. Louis County requires.
The trustee's wish to thank all the home owners for their patience. Boling Concrete was the lowest bidder and after reviewing past and present work that they have completed we feel that we have found the best contractor for our subdivision.
News for the week of 5/9/16:
Check the Documents section for Amendment to the Indenture of Trust 5-2-16 or click here
The Amendment to the Indenture of Trust has passed and has been recorded. We thank all of you again that signed the petition to get it passed.
News for the week of 5/2/16:
Income & Disbursement Statement for April 2016 posted in the documents section.
After obtaining bids for street concrete replacement the winner will be Boling Concrete Construction. They will start replacing sections as soon as they can. More sections will be replaced all summer long as long as we have the money to do so. We will replace the street sections on the worst sections of the most traveled streets first continuing until all defective sections have been replaced, which will take years. This will be done as promised, please be patient. In the mean time potholes etc. will continue to be repaired as needed along with the required subdivision maintenance to bring it back to Jefferson County requirements. The sheriff's department has now promised to start giving out tickets for running stop signs and speeding. They will also cite for unlicensed off road vehicles and motorcycles. Please call the sub station to file any complaints, (636) 797-5000
News for the week of 4/25/16:
The changes to the indenture's have passed and we will proceed with legally collecting past monies owed to the subdivision.
News for the week of 3/21/16:
2015 Meeting Minutes posted here they have been passed. As for the 2016 Subdivision meeting 49 lots were signed in. Now that we have had time to verify the signatures we have 34.8% of the necessary votes and will need an additional 118 yes votes to pass the amendments. Thank you to everyone that stopped by just to vote but had to leave. We are accepting ALL volunteers who wish to help even if they just want to get their next door neighbors signatures only. Any help is a big help and is greatly appreciated. Call (314) 995-1911 If you would like to be a volunteer.
News for the week of 3/7/16:
The annual subdivision meeting will be March 19th at First Baptist Church, 3pm to 5pm in the GYM. Located Next to Dollar General in High Ridge at the top of the hill. Notice this is a place of worship and all are to be expected to respect the property and act accordingly. MAP
Copy of meeting notice. This will be mailed in the coming days but you can preview it here.
Indenture Amendment (EDIT: BROKEN LINK 2/5/19)
News for the week of 10/26/15:
Homeowners, we just got a real nice boost to the operating budget due to the sale of a property. Street replacement will probably be put off until spring. We're currently working on getting storm sewers and creeks on the north side of Cape Town Village Rd. and Hillsboro Valley Park, to prevent flooding in the subdivision.
News for the week of 9/7/15:
On Monday, September 7th, your Waste Management team will observe Labor Day. All collection the week of September 7th - September 11th will be delayed by one day. Collection will be delayed for all services.
Monday service will be Tuesday, September 8th
Tuesday service will be Wednesday, September 9th
Wednesday service will be Thursday, September 10th
Thursday service will be Friday, September 11th
Friday service will be Saturday, September 12th
As always, please have everything out by 6am or the night before. If you have any questions please feel free to contact our Customer Service Department at 866-570-4702 from 7am - 5pm CST Monday - Friday.
The Waste Management Team
News for the week of 8/24/15:
Pet ownership tips click this link Basic rules of pet ownership in Jefferson County
News for the week of 8/17/15:
Please read our tips for our Waste Service under the services tab or click this link Hazardous Items
News for the week of 7/20/15:
Check out our Newsletter for July 2015 in the new tab above or click this link Newsletters
News for the week of 6/15/15:
Annual Special Assessment
Through the efforts of many volunteers and your board of trustees, they have achieved what was thought impossible. They devoted many long arduous hours to accomplish this task. The eligible voters in our subdivision passed the annual special assessment, and averted the imminent financial collapse of our subdivision. There was no other viable choice in resolving the situation, other than the aforementioned vote, to sustain financial viability and avoid bankruptcy of the subdivision.
Now, we will begin the long road to recovery, which will not be an easy one, but has to be done. As funds are received, we will begin to make necessary repairs as well as begin collection of past due assessment fees. We will use appropriate litigation, if necessary, in the collection of fees from those who have not paid.
Our intent is to put the same force of will and effort into making this subdivision one of which you, as a homeowner, will be proud! It will not happen all at once. We hope that over the next three years, you will see quite a difference; in the condition of our streets, and the subdivision in general.
News for the week of 6/8/15:
To everyone that agreed to the special assessment. Without your vote of confidence, this wouldn't have been possible. With the passage of these additional monies, with time, we'll be able to make a subdivision we can all be proud of while protecting our investments. Look for a newsletter to follow.
News for the week of 6/1/15:
STREET LIGHT OUTAGES – Ameren Missouri maintains the lights on the light poles within Cape Town Village South. If you are aware of a burned out street light, it can be reported to the trustees by calling (314) 995-1911 and providing them with the location of the pole. Provide as much information as possible; name of the street, which side of the street (north, south, east, west side), and the house number of the nearest home. If it is located at an intersection provide the names of both streets.
News for the week of 5/25/15:
On Monday, May 25th, your Waste Management team will observe Memorial Day. All collection the week of May 25 - May 29 will be delayed by one day. Collection will be delayed for all services.
Monday service will be Tuesday, May 26 Tuesday service will be Wednesday, May 27 Wednesday service will be Thursday, May 28 Thursday service will be Friday, May 29 Friday service will be Saturday, May 30
If you do have questions, please feel free to contact us at 1-866-570-4702 Or through our Live Chat feature
End of news.